
Why Church Membership

Does it really matter if I’m a member or not? Why do I have to take a class to become a member? Why do I have to sign anything? People often ask these questions about our membership process, skeptical as to why there seem to be so many “hoops” to jump through.

It’s true. We have a “high view” of church membership. Committing yourself to a body of believers is a serious responsibility. But it’s also wonderful and spiritually beneficial to you and everyone around you. When Covenant Members join, they commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service, and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Our elders and leaders pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer, and teaching.

Membership Steps

Knowing HighView Class

Learn about our vision, heart, and values in this one-hour class. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. Sign up for the next Knowing HighView class below.

Membership Conversation

You’ll meet with a few of our pastors to share your testimony of the Lord’s work in your life and share anything with us that will help us get to know you and shepherd you more effectively.

Church in Conference Vote

At the next Church in Conference, our quarterly member meetings, we will publicly affirm the covenant and welcome you into membership.

Knowing HighView Class